



Looking after your facility’s grease trap is important to maintaining a functioning business. 但是什么是隔油池呢? 它有什么用呢? 它是如何工作的?? 你是怎么处理它的?

State Chemical provides chemical solutions across various industries, and one of our specialties is grease trap maintainers. We know how important it is to take care of your grease trap, and we understand how confusing it can be if you don’t fully know what you’re taking care of.

在本文中, we will explain what a grease trap is, its purpose, 它是如何工作的, and how to take care of it. 在阅读, you’ll understand what this mechanism does for your facility and how to best maintain it.


也被称为油脂拦截器, a grease trap is essentially a box that wastewater flows through before entering a drainage system. 隔油池 用来拦截或“诱捕”, 脂肪、油和润滑脂 这样他们就不会把管道弄脏,造成堵塞.

你可能知道 会堵塞下水道的常见物品, but sometimes, you can’t control the level of FOGs that go down your drain. 在餐馆里尤其如此, 例如, where the number of dishes makes it impossible to prevent some amount of FOGs from entering the pipes. Grease traps make this drainage less harmful to your facility.

隔油池 常见于餐馆, 面包店, 咖啡馆, 学校, 酒吧, and any other facility that experiences a lot of FOG drainage. 通常,这些设施是 法律要求安装隔油池 because excess grease going through drainage systems will also pose problems for the city sewer.

A grease trap will either be located in a metal box under your sink, 在厨房地板上的金属板下面, 或者在你的设施外的井盖下.


FOGs are less dense than water, so they naturally float on top of water. Grease traps use this principle to their advantage.

When wastewater enters the grease trap, the water’s flow slows down enough that everything from your drain separates into three layers: grease floating at the top, 中间有水, 固体沉降到底部.

这 way, the water can drain through the outlet while the grease at the top and solids at the bottom are blocked 从通过. Some grease traps also have a filter to catch solids so that fewer solids settle at the bottom of the grease trap.

一段时间后, the solids and FOGs will eventually build up to the point of escaping through the outlet with the water, 造成了线路上的堆积. 为了避免这种结果, you must pump out grease traps regularly, even if you also use chemical maintainers.


隔油池 necessary in any environment where FOGs are a common presence. For example, let’s imagine that you’re the manager of a fast-food franchise. Your employees use the designated grease disposal container for fryer oil and dispose of spoiled food in the trash. 你为什么需要隔油池?

好吧, think about the melted ice cream at the bottom of that Tupperware or the crumbs in that baking tray or the last few fries stuck in the fry basket—all getting dunked in the sink for dishwashing. 随着时间的推移, these seemingly insignificant food scraps will build up in your pipes, 减缓排水管,造成堵塞.

与此同时, grease buildup is much more controlled when you have a grease trap—even more so when you regularly pump out your grease trap and use chemical maintenance to clear it regularly.

Most of the time, you probably don’t have a choice as to whether you have a grease trap. However, if you do have one, realize that it performs an important function. For this reason, taking proper care of it will only improve the grease trap’s functionality.


这 begs this question: what’s the best way to take care of your grease trap?


A 免费的 way to better maintain your grease trap is to control the amount of FOGs that go down your drain. 这 means educating your staff on what is and is not okay to put down the drain, providing grease disposal containers for unsafe items, and being cautious about what goes down the sink overall.

这说起来容易做起来难, but if you take the time to learn what’s good and bad for your grease trap, 这样会更干净,积聚更少的物质.


Another way to control the amount of FOGs in your grease trap is to pump it regularly. 这 should happen once your grease trap is a quarter of the way full, 通常是每隔一到三个月.

You must pump your grease trap in order to maintain it. 如果你不这样做,你将经历 堆积和堵塞; eventually requiring more serious measures in order to repair your drain system. 这可能是一项代价高昂的家务, 但最终, it’s worth the price if it means having a functional facility.


The other best way to maintain a grease trap is to conduct regular chemical maintenance. 这将 control the amount of buildup inside your grease trap, and your grease trap will need to be pumped less frequently. 此外, grease trap pumping companies often charge less to pump well-maintained grease traps.

总之, chemical maintenance combined with regular pumping will cost you less in the long run and will ensure that your grease trap is in the best possible shape.

Your Next Step: Develop a Routine to Care for Your Grease Trap

隔油池 essential to functional drains in high-FOG environments, 有时, it’s hard to understand just why you need them and what you need to do to take care of them. 既然你明白了隔油池的作用, 它是如何工作的, 以及如何最好地照顾它, 你的下一步是 consider the pros and cons of chemically treating your grease trap.