F-2054 Algaecide™- 15gl鼓

Item #125345

F-2054 Algaecide™- 15gl鼓

Item #125345

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  • 控制开放式冷却塔系统中的藻类、细菌和真菌
  • 不起泡配方,适用于各种水条件
  • Low-odors and safer application parameters make it ideal for comfort cooling applications


Formula 2054 Algaecide™ is a broad-spectrum biocide that controls algae, 细菌和真菌通常出现在开放式冷却塔水中. Algae and biomasses that form in these systems can block water flow and reduce the efficiency of cooling tower systems. Formula 2054 Algaecide is non-foaming when used as directed and is effective in a wide variety of water conditions.

配方2054 Algaecide是EPA注册- EPA Reg. No. 1448-72-70799.
Formula 2054 Algaecide meets requirements for use in Federally inspected meat and poultry processing plants.


注意:Algaecide™Algaecide必须单独添加到系统中. 不要与其他添加剂混合使用; the high pH of many additive formulations will cause decomposition of F-2054 Algaecide.

INDUSTRIAL RECIRCULATING WATER COOLING TOWERS: Add F-2054 Algaecide to the basin (or any other point of uniform mixing). Additions must be made with a metering pump; it may be continuous or intermittent, 这取决于开始治疗时污染的严重程度, 和系统的停留时间. Optimum performance with this product is attained by continuous or intermittent treatment. If “shock” treatment is used, the blowdown must be discontinued for 24 - 48 hours.

控制细菌:加0.00095 - 0.0095加仑F-2054杀藻剂/1,000加仑系统中的水, 取决于污染的严重程度.

INTERMITTENT OR SLUG METHOD 初始剂量:当系统明显受到污染时,加0.0048 -0.0095加仑F-2054杀藻剂/1,000加仑系统中的水. 重复,直到控制完成.

后续剂量:当微生物控制明显时加0.0024 -0.0095加仑F-2054杀藻剂/1,000加仑系统中的水 every 4 days, 或者根据需要维持控制. 严重污染的系统必须在处理开始前进行清洗.


初始剂量:当系统明显受到污染时,加0.0048 -0.0095加仑F-2054杀藻剂/1,000加仑水进入系统. 后续剂量:通过连续泵入0来维持此水平.00095 - 0.0048加仑F-2054杀藻剂/1,000加仑水每天在系统中. 严重污染的系统必须在处理开始前进行清洗.

控制真菌和藻类:加0.029-0.095加仑F-2054杀藻剂/1,000加仑系统中的水 取决于污染的严重程度.

INTERMITTENT OR SLUG METHOD 初始剂量:当系统明显受到污染时,加0.048 -0.095加仑F-2054杀藻剂/1,000加仑系统中的水. 重复,直到控制完成.

后续剂量:当微生物控制明显时,加入0.029-0.095加仑F-2054杀藻剂/1,000加仑系统中的水 daily, 或者根据需要维持控制. 严重污染的系统必须在处理开始前进行清洗.

连续进料法 初始剂量:当系统明显受到污染时,加0.048 - 0.095加仑F-2054杀藻剂/1,000加仑水进入系统. SUBSEQUENT DOSE: Maintain this treatment level by pumping a continuous feed of 0.029-0.095加仑F-2054杀藻剂/1,000加仑水在系统中每天. 严重污染的系统必须在处理开始前进行清洗.

空气清洗系统:加0.0015 -0.095加仑F-2054杀藻剂/1,000加仑系统中的水, depending upon the severity of contamination to control slime-forming bacteria and fungi in industrial air-washer systems.

INTERMITTENT OR SLUG METHOD 初始剂量:当系统明显受到污染时,加0.003 - 0.095加仑F-2054杀藻剂/1,000加仑系统中的水. 重复,直到控制完成.

后续剂量:当微生物控制明显时,加入0.0015 -0.047 gal F-2054 Algaecide/1,系统中有000加仑的水 every 2 days 或者根据需要维持控制. 严重污染的系统必须在开始处理之前进行清洗.

连续进料法 初始剂量:当系统明显受到污染时,加0.003 -0.095加仑F-2054杀藻剂/1,000加仑系统中的水. 后续剂量:通过连续泵入0来维持此水平.0015 - 0.047加仑F-2054杀藻剂/1,000加仑水在系统中每天. 严重污染的系统必须在开始处理之前进行清洗. NOTE: For use only in industrial air -washer systems that maintain effective mist eliminating components.

INDUSTRIAL PRESERVATIVE APPLICATIONS: F-2054 Algaecide is to reduce microbiological contamination in raw materials and/or products such as aqueous paints and coatings, polymers, slurries, adhesives, 乳胶和树脂乳液, sizing, caulk, process water, 以及包括油墨在内的特种工业产品, polishes, waxes, detergents, and cleansers. 减少微生物污染, add F-2054 Algaecide to the material or product at a concentration of 25 to 2,000 PPM重量. 这个浓度等于2.8 to 224.0液盎司F-2054杀藻剂每1,000加仑或21.4 to 1,712.每1000升含有0毫升F-2054杀藻剂. The required concentration will depend on the material being treated and level of contamination present.

DIRECTIONS FOR TREATING PUBLICLY-OWNED TREATMENT WORKS TO CONTROL COLIFORM AND OTHER BACTERIA add F-2054 Algaecide at a concentration of 1.0 to 10.0 ppm by weight of water being treated, depending on the severity and contamination in the system. Make the continuous addition of F-2054 Algaecide with a metering pump at a point in the system where mixing will be rapid and thorough. Add F-2054 Algaecide to the system in a location where contact time will be 30 minutes or greater before reaching the outfall.

与氯共处理,加0.4 - 1.5 ppm F-2054杀藻剂处理过的水的重量. Target chlorination treatment to achieve a minimum detectable residual (i.e.,大于零但小于NPDES许可水平). Make the continuous addition at a point just after the initial chlorine mixing. 快速混合是达到最佳效果的必要条件. F-2054 Algaecide must be added at a location where a contact time of 10 minutes or longer will be provided before reaching the outfall.

DIRECTIONS FOR TREATING ENHANCED OIL RECOVERY SYSTEMS: NOTE: Add F-2054 Algaecide separately to the system. 不要与其他添加剂混合使用, so as to avoid decomposition of F-2054 Algaecide due to the high pH of many additive formulations. 可在自由水淘汰时添加F-2054灭藻剂, 在注入泵和注入井集管之前或之后. 用于控制形成黏液的细菌, sulfide-producing细菌, yeasts, 还有油田水中的真菌, 聚合物或胶束驱油, 水处理系统, 或其他油田供水系统, 加入1- 80ppm F-2054灭藻剂(0.1- 6.4 gallons F-2054杀藻剂(每2400桶水) 取决于污染的严重程度. Additions must be made with a metering pump either continuously or intermittently.

连续进料法: When the system is noticeably fouled, 添加10-80 ppm F-2054灭藻剂(0.8-6.4 gal. F-2054杀藻剂(每2400桶水) continuously until the desired degree of control is achieved. 随后,用1- 15ppm的F-2054灭藻剂(0.1-1.2 gal. F-2054杀藻剂(每2400桶水) continuously 或者根据需要维持控制.

INTERMITTENT OR SLUG METHOD: When the system is noticeably fouled or to maintain control of the system, 添加10-80 ppm F-2054灭藻剂(0.8-6.4 gal. F-2054杀藻剂(每2400桶水) intermittently for 4-8 hours per day and from 1-4 times per week, 或者根据污染的严重程度根据需要. 注:用于控制细菌, yeast, and fungi in aqueous solutions of biopolymer used in flooding operations, 加入15-80 ppm的F-2054灭藻剂(1).2-6.4 gal. F-2054杀藻剂(每2400桶水). Additions of F-2054 Algaecide must be made with a metering pump immediately after preparation of the aqueous biopolymer solution to reduce loss of viscosity.

REVERSE OSMOSIS SYSTEMS: F-2054 Algaecide is used to control microbiological fouling in reverse osmosis systems use for process wastewater and other non-potable applications. Add F-2054 Algaecide to the membrane feedwater at a rate of 20-80 ppm (2.75-11.00 fl. oz/1,000 gal.). 连续添加本品1-24小时, 根据问题的严重程度,每周1-7天. For off-line cleaning, add F-2054 Algaecide to provide a level of 100-400 ppm (13.75-55.00 fl. oz./1,000 gal.)浸泡在溶液中.

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